
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
G. R. Procter1959Further new records of Myrtaceae from Jamaica
Sagot1885Catalogue des plantes phanerogames et cryptogames vasculaires de la Guyane Francaise
N. Y. Sandwith1963Contributions to the Flora of Tropical America: LXX: Notes on Some Aublet Types in the Paris Herbarium
N. Y. Sandwith1948Contributions to the Flora of Tropical America: XLVIII. Notable Additions to the Flora of British Guiana
R. Schmid1980Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of Psiloxylon and Heteropyxis, and the Subfamilial and Tribal Classification of Myrtaceae
R. Schmid1972A Resolution of the Eugenia-Syzygium Controversy (Myrtaceae)
L. Schwarten1958Index to American Botanical Literature
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L. Schwarten1948Index to American Botanical Literature
L. Schwarten1948Index to American Botanical Literature
L. Schwarten1948Index to American Botanical Literature
A. J. Scott1979The Austral-Pacific Species of Decaspermum (Myrtaceae)
N. J. E. Silveira1985Notas sobre o genero Myrcia DC. (Myrtaceae) - II
M. Sobral2010Three New Montane Forest Myrtaceae from Espirito Santo, Brazil
M. Sobral2006A new name and three new combinations in Brazilian Myrtaceae
M. Sobral, Couto F.2006Four new Myrtaceae from eastern Brazil
M. Sobral, Leoni L. S.2010Myrcia concisa (Myrtaceae), a New Species from Minas Gerais, Brazil
M. Sobral, Souza, M. C., Mazine-Capelo, F., Lucas, E.2010Nomenclatural notes on Brazilian Myrtaceae
J. A. Steyermark1981New taxa from the Venezuelan Guyana
A. L. Stoffers1981Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series C: Biological and Medical Sciences
A. H. Thornhill, Popple, L. W., Carter, R. J., Ho, S. Y., Crisp, M. D.2012Are pollen fossils useful for calibrating relaxed molecular clock dating of phylogenies? A comparative study using Myrtaceae
P. G. Wilson, O'Brien, M. M., Gadek, P. A., Quinn, C. J.2001Myrtaceae revisited: a reassessment of infrafamilial groups


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith